Smile For The Cop With The Smartphone And The Facial Recognition Software
” You look familiar—says the cop with the smartphone. And never mind that FBI specifications allow for a faulty match up to 20 percent of the time; local, state, and federal law enforcement officers based in California’s San Diego and Imperial counties have quietly taken to the streets with federally funded tablets and smartphones to match the faces of people they meet with databased photographs. If the experiment proves successful, in government terms, you can probably expect the blend of cops, mobile devices, and facial recognition software to come to a sidewalk near you.
Managed by the Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS), a joint project of 75 government agencies, and funded by the National Institute of Justice, the Tactical Identification System combines traditional mugshots with controversial (and not entirely reliable) facial recognition software, and puts it in the hands of police officers in the field. The system deployed in California appears to draw only from booking photos at the moment, but many states have already linked facial recognition technology with their driver’s license databases, multi-purposing everybody’s least favorite photos into de facto police lineup images. Police lineup images with uncertain access control and, as mentioned, a high potential for false positives. It’s probably safe to assume that, if the Tactical Identification System approach is replicated elsewhere, police mobile devices will be linked with that wider range of photo databases.”
At the rate the Leviathan state is going an EMP strike might be the only way to get our privacy back . God help us .